The habit that changed my life (and can change yours too)

Ryan Page
2 min readMar 26, 2022

There is no secret roadmap.

I spent a number of years after college searching for “the secret roadmap that will change my life.”

Just do x, y and z and viola you’ve made it. Thats how childhood, school, and college laid it out for us, right?

Here’s the secret I found.

There is no secret roadmap.

Life is too personal and unique to each person. But you can form a series of habits that potentially lead to more desirable outcomes.

I’ve been a habit junkie for as long as I can remember.

Getting my fix through spreadsheets, journals, charts on my walls. Heck I even have a habit database.

Throughout the years of finding and tracking habits, this one has completely shifted the way I show up in my life.

It’s what I call an “appreciation note.”

Every day I write down one thing I appreciate about my wife (girlfriend when I started this habit).

I never noticed how I tended to focus on the negatives in life until I started this habit.

I don’t like the way she did x. This stupid person cut me off. This person is doing this at work. This situation is not what I want.

Track what you appreciate about your partner for 30 days.

I set out for 30 days. I noticed I felt happier and my mindset shifting beyond just my wife. So I kept going.

Its now been almost 1,500 days.

1,500 days of focusing on the good that my wife brings to my life. Because I am searching for the good things it expands to searching for only the good things in my life.

The negatives are part of the journey, but this habit lets me see them in a loving light.

You can adopt this habit too. Let me know how your 30 days goes!

This post was created with Typeshare



Ryan Page

I help overwhelmed online entrepreneurs create financial systems to remove their financial headaches.