You don’t actually have to be good at your hobbies for them to be hobbies

Ryan Page
1 min readMar 23, 2022

Like you, I’d classify myself as a perfectionist.

Everything needs to be tidy and ready in order to be shown to the world.

This was until I started making videos on YouTube.

YouTube caused a paradigm shift for me.

It’s impossible to make a perfect video. We can take a million cuts and it will still have something wrong. So it forced me to set the perfectionist tendencies aside.

Melissa made a good point to me.

You don’t need to be good at your hobbies for them to be hobbies.

The act of creating is the hobby itself. What is the determination of ‘good’?

It’s interesting how we expect to be good at hobbies right away. But there is the curve of learning something new that we fail to consider.

So learn something new. You probably won’t be good at it at the start. The fun is in the process of improving.

This post was created with Typeshare



Ryan Page

I help overwhelmed online entrepreneurs create financial systems to remove their financial headaches.